Delicacies of Atacama La Grande


The Pataska is of highland origin, you can eat it as a stew or casserole. Its main ingredient is corn, which is peeled using cachiyuyo ash, a product that adds flavor to this delicious preparation.

This dish also has beef or lamb, potatoes and colored chili, among other ingredients.

Traditionally, the Atacameños consume this preparation on planting and harvest days, in religious celebrations such as the wedding of the Virgin, and it can also be found in local restaurants.

Ayllu wine

Ayllu wine is a wine from the Cooperativa de Viñateros de Altura Lickanantay. It is produced at 2400 meters above sea level.

This cooperative is made up of small agricultural producers from Toconao, Socaire and San Pedro de Atacama.

Two of its vines were awarded gold medals at the 2021 World Extreme Wines competition held annually in Valle d'Aosta, Italy.

Chanar ice cream

This traditional ice cream from the area has a smooth texture and a sweet flavor.

This product is generated from the fruit of the chañar, a tree that is very representative of the flora of Atacama La Grande.


The Aloja is made from the fruit of the Carob tree which is consumed in 2 ways:

One of the ways to consume it is daily, as the Atacameño field workers do, due to its medicinal benefits.

In other instances, such as Carnival, Pago a la Tierra, Canal Cleaning and Challamientos, it is consumed as chicha, with a higher level of fermentation.

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This initiative is developed with contributions from the Innovation Fund for Regional Competitiveness (FIC-R).

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