
Quitor is one of the first official communities of Atacama La Grande. It is located approximately 3.4 kilometers north of San Pedro de Atacama in Chile.

Formerly, this community generated a notable economic development around the collection of chañar and carob, in addition to agriculture, grazing and tourism. Some women were engaged in ceramics, textiles and crafts.

The community has one of the most important Atacameño architectural settlements in the world called "Pukará de Quitor". It is located on a steep inclined plane in a curve of the ravine through which the waters of the San Pedro River flow. This structure was built by the Atacameño people with the purpose of defending themselves from other peoples that inhabited South America, grouping 165 enclosures, which gave shelter to people and supplies, and could also have been the home of the Atacameño hierarch.

Soon you will be able to visit this incredible place and learn about the history of this impressive construction. In addition, you will be able to visit the resting place "Yali-Capur" (large carob tree in the Kunza language), located next to the Pukará de Quitor and founded in 1997 by the Atacameño community.

Soon you will be able to visit this historic community through TikTur.

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This initiative is developed with contributions from the Innovation Fund for Regional Competitiveness (FIC-R).

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